

This category contains 47 posts

Reblogged: Why Stress at School is Toxic to Kids with ADHD or LD from ADDtitude

Excerpt from: http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/11630.html Chronic stress at school can make our kids dread going — and change their brains for the worse. But parents and teachers can help break down the barriers that stop children with ADHD or LD from succeeding. For over 35 years, I’ve carried out comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations of kids and young adults, … Continue reading

Spiritual Healing Modalities

As we discussed in chapter 2 and chapter 3, quantum scientists are slowly demonstrating that energy drives the universe (Pagels, 2012)[i]. It is a puzzling element, although it can be measured and quantified, but scientists have no real idea of what it actually is. Yet, physics find that energy is the most fundamental property of … Continue reading

The Complexity of A Spatially Embedded Social Life

I have observed that when they are unaware of themselves, my children define themselves by mirroring what others feel and think of them. It is as if they are empathic chameleons that reflect the dominant emotions and thoughts of a social environment. This leads me to believe that when highly sensitive children (or adults) are … Continue reading

Eastern Medicine: An Embodied Animist Model of Health

In Ayurveda, one of the most ancient healing systems in the world, dated at approximately 6th century BC, illnesses are considered to be psycho-somatic in nature. Key to this indian belief system is the idea that lifestyle influences the mind and triggers positive or negative reaction in the body. Similarly, ancient Chinese traditional medicine, Induism, … Continue reading

The Culture of Stress

Another hidden cause of stress for highly sensitive children is our western culture. Many children attend desensitized school worlds. Most schools are loud, bright and chaotic environments that tend to provoke sensory overflow. In Toronto, public schools were designed by the same architect who designed our jails, they are visually unappealing, their corridors echoes, many … Continue reading

Trauma, Brain and Relationship: Helping Children Heal – Beyond Meds

Trauma, Brain and Relationship: Helping Children Heal – Beyond Meds.

Boredom as Sensory Stress

Besides the toxic elements I have mentioned above, there are a few others that any parents must be on the look out for when dealing with sensory processing sensitivities. Under-arousal can lead to stress as well. Continually being bored and without appropriate stimulation can be very stressful. Boredom ends in drudgery and drudgery will make … Continue reading

Social Life: empathy is a double edge sword

According to psychologist Susan Meindl, empathy is the earliest form of communication: “Human beings communicate through empathic connection from birth. Mothers and infants accurately read each other’s emotional communications. This skill is never lost and we all use empathic understanding of other people’s feelings to round out and nuance what they say to us. We … Continue reading

Space: Environmental pollution as an assault on the senses

Researchers in the field of ecological psychology demonstrated that social settings influence behavior. Leanne Rivlin, for instance, theorized that the environmental cognition involved in human cognition plays a crucial role in environmental perception (Rivlin, 2002)[i]. This means that if our environment, biological, emotional and/or social, is toxic our cognitive and behavioral abilities are compromised. And … Continue reading

Genes: Each body as a unique health system influenced by the environment

Recent research findings indicate that we are part of a diverse ethnic pool. This has significant implications for how we understand our bodies and minds. Our genetic make up and our environment all influence who we are and how we perceive and receive the world. For instance, the New Scientist article “ D may increase … Continue reading
